Sunday, December 24, 2006

I would like to wish all the Blog users a Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 10, 2006

And the point was...?

Just logged on for a quick check to see if anyone has written anything new and there was a message saying there was a new version of blogger and to click here to switch our blog to the new one... clicked on it as directed and it said that the blog wouldn't be switched at this time. What was the point of saying click here if they knew they weren't going to switch over?


Sunday, December 03, 2006


Im going to apologise right now to anyone who actually reads this as I am about to go on a self indulgent rant and I can't do this on my own msn blog as members of the Bracknell Massive read this and Id rather this didn't get back to them.

So I went out Friday night. Met up with my mate Steve and we went to a pub in town called the Goose. There we met up with Emily, Louise, Fern, Saskia and Stoif (yes I know the names mean nowt to you all but hey at least you will know the names of the people Im annoyed at).

Anyway I haven't seen all of these people except Steve and Stoif for at least 6 months. Bear in mind that we were really good friends at school. Now correct me if Im wrong but if you all saw a friend that you hadn't seen for the best part of a year you would make the effort to say hi to that person and make them feel welcome wouldn't you? Well apparently not. Was made to feel like a complete outsider all night. Tried on a couple of occasions to strike up a conversation and failed every time. Anyone outside of the little group of four might as well of not existed. Only time I was spoken to by one of the other girls was when they wanted me to hold their drink/coat. I also was made to feel like I had ruined their night by daring to wear trainers which meant we couldn't get into some of the clubs. I wasn't the only one in trainers but was made to feel like it was all my fault and I had ruined their night. Well excuse me for not conforming to the sort of stuck up mentality that all my female so called Bracknell mates seem to have.

Realise that anyone reading this is probably wondering what all the fuss is about and maybe it is one of the things you had to be there for but it REALLY pissed me off and just reminded me how very glad I am that I moved down here.